Ultraman is a symbol of righteousness and truth. An icon synonymous with good triumphs over evil. He was my hero during my childhood and still is. Back then I used to role play Ultraman vs Monster with my friends. Nobody wanted to be the evil monster. We fought for the “right” to be Ultraman with scissors and stones… the kids’ ways of course.

I wish Ultraman would fly to our rescue. Secretly… sheepishly I wish I could be Ultra man…

And take down these monsters…

The monster is defeated.

I believe deep down there is a Ultraman in each of us. All kids (well almost all) wanted to be Ultraman but strangely and unfortunately some grew up to be monsters. How can we be so cold and uncivilised?
Even Ultraman has a mother to guide him (I just got to know this too! And she's a looker)

How shameful.