Calling once... calling twice... (hammer slammed!!)... sold!
Congratulations to the winner of the bid!
We always hear these golden words on TV dramas and unless you're so damn loaded to be in every Christie's auction events, auction bidding seems a distant reality.
But now you can bid online anytime for your favourite stuff at a fraction of market value on Sharky Bids
Just register for free (plus getting one free bid) and purchase a bid package, from as low as RM40 for 20 bids. That work out to be RM2 per bid but if you purchase a higher value bid package, it's only about Rm1.30 per bid. Credit and debit cards (Visa or Matercards, AmEx) are accepted or you can pay via Paypal.
You get to see the bidding live in real time and strategize your bidding, aggressively or stealthly waiting for the last second for the kill. A word of caution, don't take chances and bid at the very final second because you may end up with nothing due to the internet lag.
Come and join me! It's fun and easy! Yeah... but don't try to outbid me or I'll... you know what will happen..

Pic by Sharky Bids