Never mind the title if you can't comprehend now. Just read on please.

District 9 premiers on 13 August 2009
Most of us grew up watching sci-fi movies like Aliens and E.T (yeah.. if you were born in the mid 70s to 80s). I have always wondered if aliens have indeed visited earth before or may just live discreetly among us.

Remember this slimy two mouth?
Actually, I kind of have a feeling aliens may be living among us. The female human species is a prime suspect. As a kid, my mother had and still has this inate ability to detect if I was lying to her despite my best covert operations. She always knew who broke the vase and my secret trips to the river with my friends.
My girlfriend has this annoying special abilities too. She can smell my slightest sinister intentions at her fingertips. You know how girls always knew if you are cheating on them no matter how clever you cover your despicable tracks.
Next, girls communicate on a entirely different wavelength from guys. How do you explain when they can just exchange some telepathic glances, all would head to the ladies simultaneously? And when they shoot off subliminal replies like "Nothing!" even when they are upset with you? Don't you even dare think their are inferior in lacking physical strength because their magnificent hidden abilities had shaped great men and brought down world empires.
And in spite of all the above, we silly guys can't possibly live without them. Actually, we adore their beauty, intelligence and charm. They have this incredible hypnotic ability called "love". You see how unassumingly powerful they are? Clearly they don't belong to the same genetic lineage as the ignorant selfish male species. Men have spent centuries (maybe thousand of years too) to understand women but we are still clueless to this day.
Still don't believe there are aliens? Remember her? This is a lovely girl until she exposes her metallic body!

But I heard aliens are now living on Earth in a place called District 9 in South Africa. And I want to be in District 9 because I think I will finally probably understand the origins of women!
Have they come in peace?
Are they more superior than humans?
Why are they here?
Presented by Peter Jackson and produced by Sony Pictures. Read about this latest hot movie in Nuffnang.
Presented by Peter Jackson and produced by Sony Pictures. Read about this latest hot movie in Nuffnang.
Join me to catch District 9 on 13 August 2009!
District 9 premiers on 13 August 2009

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