I'm not fond of talking about my past girlfriends. Infact, it's a bad idea if my current girlfriend is reading this. So I hope she will be too busy to notice, I truly hope. There will be endless comparisons and listless of things to explain. I think no relationship is sustainable with an ex-girlfriend in the picture. Mention the word "ex" will open the pandora box any guy would fear. So why take such a huge risk? Blame it on Nuffnang.
First, I have to admit I was very "adventurous" when I was in my 20s. Of course my track record was bad but I can safely say I never really two time a girl. Well that didn't justify my behaviour then but before you curse me to my grave, just hear it out on how I ended up being such a callous jerk?
It all began when I was a 19 year old college student in the mid 90s. She was a year younger than me. We were good friends until I have fallen for her. I did not really have any dating experiences except for a brief puppy love spell when I was 15. Let's not go in to that embarassing story now. Okay back to the point. When I found out I have the thing for her, I tried to pursue her like an Olympic 100m final.
I was impatient, I was dying to be her boyfriend.
I constantly wanted to possess every free time she had. I wanted to care and to protect her with all my heart. Either she did not really notice or I was good at hiding my feelings. I took months to summon enough courage to express to her how I felt.
One night I sheepishly asked her out for dinner. After that I suggested walking in a park nearby. I was not my normal self and unusually quiet that night. I guess she noticed and felt uneasy. After hours of sitting on the park bench, she broke silence.
"You have something to say? You seem weird tonight?", she queried.
"Umm... I'm okay. Nothing la", I answered.
"If you have something to say, then say it la. What's wrong with you? The mosquitoes are biting me all night!!", she retorted.
I must say I chose a bloody wrong park infested with mozzies. Finally, on a deep breath I confessed my love for her. I look deeply in her eyes and ask her to be my girlfriend. There was a deafening silence and blank look on her face.
"I have always just thought of you as a good friend. Let me think about it and call me again after 3 days", she said.
In that 3 days, I felt like a prisoner on death row. But she did agreed to be my girlfriend to try it out. We had our first dinner and held hands as a new sweet couple. I was exhilirated. The next day I called her to express my ecstatic feelings.
"Hey I hope you won't get upset, last night I have thought about us. But I don't think we're right for each other. Maybe we should just be friends again. Sorry...", she said.
I was stunned beyond words. I tried to persuade her but she was adamant on breaking up. I was devastated. I felt like a loser. I mean who has experienced love lasting only a day? And break up the next day?
From that day, I felt bitter and distrusful of love. I let my raging hormone broke loose. I had many girlfriends or rather part time girlfriends, you know:) I lived a wild life during those days. It took me a long time to find real love again. But the memories of past girlfriends still haunt me at times.
So I think before my current girlfriend read this post, I better take her to watch GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST first. I'm taking another huge risk here as I don't know the ending of this movie. So it better be hell of a superb ending... else things are going to be very messy.

Can't wait for this movie to open!! =D
ReplyDeletewhoaamello: me too :)