Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Which Came First? The Chicken Or Egg Theory

Yes, I know this question has been around for decades if not centuries. However it did not deter one of my female colleague from popping this perrenial question.

She did not explain her sudden curiosity and this made me dumbfounded as I flashback to my primary school years when my teacher asked me this question. But she never gave me any answers. I was told to think about it. What the hell...

Chicken or egg... which came to exist first?

Chickens hatch from eggs, but eggs are laid by chickens, therefore this argument is almost impossible to be proven.

Okay let's clarify that it's not this type of chicken.

And not this type of human egg.

It's the farm type chicken and egg okay.

There are of course two sets of arguments for this theory. According to Wikipedia, one is a scientific and evolution explanation and the other is theology or creation.

Egg First: The Scientific & Evolution Expalantion
Since DNA can be modified only before birth, a mutation must have taken place at conception or within an egg such that an animal similar to a chicken, but not a chicken, laid the first chicken egg.

Chicken First: The Theology Explanation
All creatures of the world are created by God.

Heck! All I know about chicken & eggs noodles or nice egg over easy.

What say you? Chicken or egg first huh?


  1. egg & chicken = MAN & WOMAN
    from the bible, God created man, then only woman. They have a connection all the while.
    "Prostitute" can be define as a "profession", due to man need some "special care". When there is a need, sure will have supplier. Because of your man needs so they have a new "profession" to fulfill it.

  2. To anonymous:
    Hmm... interesting theory about man & woman but men don't lay women, chickens lay eggs.. I don't see the connection la..
    But I agree that prostitution is about a willing seller and buyer..



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